Sunday, July 12, 2009

Repeating Until Its Right

I had a thought today, well OK I probably had a few, but one had some worth to it.

I seem to be trying to divest myself of all the things I no longer need or use, all of the stuff that doesn't serve me at this moment in my life. I repeatedly seem drawn into "organizational" tasks here at home instead of "creative" ones. Each time I feel a bit freer but still driven to do more. I suspect I am trying to manifest in my outer life something that I desire in my inner life.

Each time I sort through my belongings, supplies, aka debris, I sort through more of the baggage that has accumulated within me too beliefs, desires wounds and joys. Slowly I am discarding the ones that no longer fit or serve. I think some people are naturally able to do this but not many. The emotional attachments that are present in objects and in beliefs make them hard to discard. I seem to have a goal of having the right stuff in my life and releasing the rest. If I look at it that way I don't feel as aggravated with myself for not being "creative"

Perhaps I am kidding myself and its all a never ending round of navel gazing but it seems I keep coming back to these activities and I'd like to believe its for a good reason.


  1. Boy, do I know how you feel! Just when I think I can purge no more, huge deposits of age-old clutter reveal themselves. It's hard to let go of things you feel emotional attached to, definitely; but sometimes you smother under the weight of them. You know I've been decluttering my spare room for a good 10 years now... someday I will see the floor again...

  2. letting go is so hard, but it feels so good.

  3. Hi Anna, Hi jude
    It really does seem to form strata! and I am exploring each layer as if on an archeological dig. Every time I get through a layer I feel just a little better, just a little freer

  4. i've found that when the urge strikes and i clear and release things, i make space for new possibilities.

  5. Yup that is exactly right jeanne I seem to be driven to do just that
