Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stone Kachina #3, Urchin #1
Still catching up with posting these, I think this one was done back in December.
Lar thinks it looks like the crown jewels, I see that too but to me there is a sea urchin in there.
More ideas to play with here, variations to come.

A few more thoughts on the insecurities of sharing the work...
I am old enough now that I don't think this will ever leave me
I have always thought that if the work was good enough I wouldn't feel this way, and that just doesn't seem to be possible (seems to always be just out of reach)
Therefore I need to just let it go and learn to live with the discomfort of being not quite there, and just do it anyway.
I have an idea that I used to be better at doing so...


  1. Oh nooooo.....don't second guess yourself. I've been teaching beading on fiber for 25+ years, both nationally and internationally...and have written numerous books on the subject.

    YOUR WORK has me enchanted and inspired..... Personally, I've felt that it's nice if others enjoy what I do...but far more important that my time is spent doing what I want and enjoying it!!

  2. You are totally correct I just seem to have a talent for cramping my own style! When I get out of my own way I DO enjoy the process, its a matter of focus
    I do enjoy having others give me feedback too Thank You!
