Friday, October 6, 2017


abacus 1
My dad had an abacus when I was a kid I remember shiny black wooden beads that made a satisfing clack when they smacked into each other.
This piece was finished more than a year ago, I've been trying to find a good way to photograph and display this work... I may have it figured out now.

Thursday, October 5, 2017


moss rose
Last year I put moss roses in the planters in the bird garden, they went to seed and I scattered it around hoping for possible volunteers... and forgot about it
Last month I remembered again when I noticed some sprigs popping out between the pavers
Last week I noticed the flowers all in white except for this little guy's shocking pink epaulettes
a year in the making,
it takes time.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

breathing the moon

full moon at the lake
I stopped at the lake to catch the moon last night as I went to yoga.
Its good to remember the beauty in the world hasn't disappeared.