I'm taking a deep breath and starting to attach the pieces of heatset poly satin to a ground. I froze on this project for mmm... about a year now, it is alot of stitching and I'm not entirely sure where its going to take me.
I've got a concept in my head, and I have some ginko leaves made from a pewter colored poly as well as this black satin. I even have a vague composition mapped out but I've been waiting for all the details to fall into place and lets face it they never do... you just have to leap in and hash it out as you go. Sometimes I am easy with that fact of life but others (as in this case) I get so attached to a desired end that it becomes impossible to go forward.
If you want to go swimming you don't necessarily have to leap into the deep end but you really do have to let go of the side of the pool.