Echo |
I have been adjusting to a new life, 2 part-time jobs at 2 different studios, no set schedule, finding time for my own home/studio and meeting new people. Echo is one of them. She is an Airedale puppy with humming bird ears who comes into the dye studio in New Bedford when she doesn't have to go to doggy daycare. The studio is located in one of the old Mill buildings in the city, it is simultaneously really cool and deeply unsavory. I am weirdly comfortable there. I'm working for
Moontide Dyers and learning some new things (thiox). It has gotten me back into my own dye studio again.
Old Mill, New Bedford |
At home I'm working on tribe 4, as a one a day, 100 day challenge. So far so good.
Tribe 1 has been accepted into the
small stones festival of the arts in Grafton Ma.
Tribe 4 progresses |
I finished one of the pieces I started back in 2011 when I took one of jude's classes
completed!! |
new decor ideas |
I'm playing in the garden again, trying some new elements, adding wildflowers and cleaning it up a bit. The fall asters are blooming everywhere now, and we've seen an impressive crop of toadstools this year
season passing |
wildflowers |
wild asters |
shrooms |
Couscous salad |
We have had our last CSA basket of the season. it included a final bit of kale which I chopped into a couscous salad with tomatoes, white beans, basil, green onion and olives and served with feta cheese. Our last few baskets were heavy on the potatoes so I'm trying all sorts of new potato salads.
test 1 |
I started in the studio by cracking open a bunch of pre-measured mystery dyes that had been sitting around for a few years and testing them to see what the colors are (Gold, Orange, Brown and Black)
and trying them on an assortment of fabric scraps to see how they dye, the results were surprisingly good.
results |
Now I have begun messing with these colors and trying a few different techniques/color combos
1. two tshirts in a bright gold orange color
2. one tshirt in a darker orange brown combo
3. clamped canvas in a golden orange color
4. dk brown solid coated canvas
5. grey/ black canvas
6 multi colored tied canvas
7 olive green coated canvas
experiments |
Tomorrow I can wash out the experiments and do some more gardening....
fall garden |
What a great post ... love the "hummingbird ears" ... had a lovely wander through the Moontide website ... and can't wait to see your dye-wanderings to come
As always, your stone gatherings are a wonder and I am ever-grateful that one found its way to Texas.
Moontide is a fun place to dye, I'm learning new things and its waking my brain up a bit, the home studio developments are slow but I will do an update before long
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