This will demonstrate the variety of effects that can be gotten with just one folding method, and it really only scratches the surface. All of the samples here are rice paper folded and clamped but the similar results can be gotten on fabric, especially cotton.
To fold:
1. Create an accordian fold (red is mountain fold, up; blue is valley fold, down)
2. Accordian fold again but in a triangle pattern (see diagram), you will end up with a thick little triangle, clamp it so all the layers are pressed tightly together, I usually use squeeze clamps for smaller pieces of fabric. 

To make these samples I used 4 colors: medium densities of gold, orange, olive, and a dark brown. I dipped the paper into the dye or painted it on with a foam brush. These diagrams show the placement of the dyes on the bound paper.

here are the resulting patterns...
Sample 1. 

Sample 2. 

Sample 3. 

Sample 4.