Thursday, April 23, 2009

OMG the Haori is back!

I started this about a year ago...

I think that the reason I pooped out on it is because:

a. I find sewing garments demands more precision than I enjoy

b. my inner perfectionist is not totally jazzed with the brown fabric (undissolved dye left weird red spots ans the cotton itself could be of better quality)

c. I kind of froze up on putting on the metallic decorative stitching

This project is the second of a potential series of 4, the first was fire, this of course is earth and air and water have never been begun.

I'm not sure they ever will be, but I have this one half done so it might as well get finished.

I just started the metallic stitching on the brown outer layer (the green will eventually be the lining)

Although its really hard to see in this picture, the metallic is a good call, it livens up the brown fabric considerably. So far I've gotten one sleeve done...


jude said...


Wholly Jeanne said...

glad this one is working you again . . .

alsokaizen said...

Thank you both... will keep posted on progress :)