Monday, January 5, 2009

From the Quiet Dark Emerges

Happy New Year!
I’m one of those strange people who like this time of year.
These dark quiet days of winter come as a relief to me after the constant bustle of the holidays.
Its not that I hate the holidays as such, I enjoy the visiting, celebrating and eating (a bit too much of that last one) it’s a special time when we get to indulge ourselves in many ways… which is why its so funny that I often find myself feeling as though my life is being hijacked during this time of the year. My time seems even less my own than usual, in spite of having more “time off” than most months. In December it all gets filled up. So many obligations and events often find me putting my goals and desires away for the month. By the end of it all I get to feeling antsy.
Then comes the stillness of January… it suits me, I suppose some of it is my introverted nature, it gives me time to reflect, create and think, I like to use this time to sort, evaluate, reorder, clean and eventually emerge with new ideas and directions.
Many choose to do resolutions at this time I’ve given those up in favor of a word as Christine Kane suggests. This year the word found me a bit early (or wicked late). I played with the idea of taking a new word for the New Year but in the end FIERCE still resonates most clearly for me.
It embodies the qualities I most want to develop.
A certain instinctual wisdom of what is best for me,
Open acceptance of the realities of my situation in life,
Tenacity with clarity,
The ability to protect, defend and nurture,
Freedom of spirit
I’d say that’s more than enough for one year!


Wholly Jeanne said...

fierce: i like it. lots of room there.

alsokaizen said...

Hi Jeanne
Yep, Enough to let me wiggle but not so much that I wander off and get lost :)