Best laid plans aside....
So tonight I was supposed to be working on any of the current projects I've recently started. Instead I ended up immersing myself in the challenge glennis set of trying to recreate the resist method used to create this gorgeous piece posted by narablog in the flicker pool
here is what I tried (2 attempts)
using a soft, light weight plain weave canvas I drew a grid of 1/2 inch squares in washout pencil on one I added 1/4 lines as well
I tried 2 different stitch layouts one of alternate rows and one off set by 1/2
(ok that description sucks, lets let the pics demonstrate)
These were pulled to create the lines
and dyed with 2 densities of thickened dye
I will post results tomorrow.
I've also laid out the bird garden...this means there are a bunch of pegs stuck in the ground with twine mapping out the paths and beds to be dug, essentially it is a note to myself that I have undertaken a project that will entail many, many hours of hard labor...but I won't think about that now.
I'm still trying to get new products into the ETSY store, attend yoga, spin and karate, and all the usual life stuff like work too.
This is where I start to feel a little oppressed and frantic.
It is also where I start my Kaizen chant: choose one thing and get a little bit done its all you can do and it is enough...
I know I'm not the only one with this overload, how do you handle it?